Ray Charles: “A Sound of His Own” Comes to Fixin’s
Blacked Owned businesses means so much more than just being “black owned”. It’s about the vision, the goal and the inspiration behind the business that makes it so special. Taking away status and fame, what is left is just creating a great product that anyone can enjoy. Fixins is all about finding new innovative ways to bring the community together. Collaborating with the Ray Charles Foundation is just one of many opportunities that pinpoints history, legacy, honor and revolutionary pioneers that have paved the way to where we are now.

By Rhyan Nile | Contributing Writer
Blacked Owned businesses means so much more than just being “black owned”. It’s about the vision, the goal and the inspiration behind the business that makes it so special. Taking away status and fame,what is left is just creating a great product that anyone can enjoy. Fixins is all about finding new innovative ways to bring the community together. Collaborating with the Ray Charles Foundation is just one of many opportunities that pinpoints history, legacy, honor and revolutionary pioneers that have paved the way to where we are now.
Fixin’s and the Ray Charles Foundation collaborated in creating a Non-Alcoholic Beer, and payed homageto his music with four different hits on the can. They also included his background story on the can as well. And to top it off they not only had his records on the wall, album covers, and quotes all over the restaurant and bar, but they also created an exclusive menu with his favorite meal. Which includesSmothered Chicken, collard greens, black-eyed peas and Banana pudding, all costing $19.30 because that’s the year the legend was born. Talk about details! It’s those little details that made him who he is. His music created life lasting memories for all of us to enjoy every time we hear a song. Ray Charles wasn’t secluded to just one sound, or one look. It was never about the fame, or the money, or the status. His music was his own. His voice and message were heard. It moved spirits all over the world and that’s what it was all about. His music was made for everyone to not only listen, but to feel.
“It started with Black History Month, but for us, Black History Month is all year round. People want to be here; they want to be a part of it. They know that it’s different.”, said Kat Dym, the Bar Manager of Fixins. And it doesn’t stop here. Fixins uses food as the glue to bring the community together. They donate their food at the end of every night. They are 100% eco-friendly and have been a part of several movements to feed and help those in need; like “Feed the Streets” with Roddy Rich. They already have several community events lined up for the rest of the upcoming year. They’re all centered around different legends and companies all with the same purpose: Making a Difference and Impact the world around us. Kevin and Michelle Johnson, along with all the staff, use the food and restaurant as their voice to make everyone feel included, and cared for despite race, background, preference, or age. Everyone is welcomed at Fixins. Everyone matters at Fixins.

Rhyan Nile
My name is Rhyan Nile, I’m 25 years old from Menifee, CA. I have a bachelors degree in Jounralism, and I am an aspiring news anchor.