Lincoln High Honors Veterans

The LHSAA Mission Statement is “To perpetuate tradition at Lincoln High School by honoring worthy students with academic and fine arts scholarships (financial grants); to financially support insufficient school programs; to acknowledge alumni for their exemplary contributions to the school and/or society at large as we uphold the goals, vision, and mission of our alma mater.”

Lincoln High Vietnam Veterans at LHS Veteran honored dinner (Photo: Earl Heath)


Earl Heath

Contributing Writer


Lincoln High Honors has several young men and women pass through its halls and make major contributions to America and the world socially, medically, and through the military. The Alumni Association  recognizes many veterans who chose to serve the country after leaving school. They gathered  at the Doubletree Hotel in Commerce, California, to exchange  stories and catch up on life.

Some who served include Frank Balocca, Army, 1963-1965; Paul Arriola, ’67, US Army, 1969-1971, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star with V for Valor; MAC Correa, ’67, Army-Vietnam; Ezekiel Contreras, 1940-WW11, 1941-1945-ARMY, Combat Engineer. There were  more than 200 that attended the event.

Several Lincoln High Alum recognized (Photo: Earl Heath)

Other notable Alums from Lincoln include Jim Tunney, Administrator , Boys Vice-Principal, L.H.S., coach, NFL referee /“Dean of NFL Referees”, motivational speaker–Kenneth (Kenny) S. Washington, S’36, football, UCLA All-American, NFL-Los Angeles Rams first African American to be drafted and play in the NFL; actor /LAPD –Ethel Percy Andrus, Administrator, 1st female principal of a California high school, LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL: 1917-1944 (first served as Assistant Principal in 1916); founder of AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)

Carlos R. Moreno, W’66, Associate Justice on the California Supreme Court   – Suzanne Morales, S’63 was U.S. Ambassador to Belize, a graphic design artist, illustrator, author, Walt Disney Imagineering, Emmy. 

The LHSAA officers are Marcos Robles ’64-President, Jose Venegas-’81-Vice President, Luz Lopez ’75 Treasurer. Maria Sandoval -Secretary, Robert Granados ;’62 Historian, Mike Ibarra’66 Director of events. They did a lot to bring everyone together for this reunion.

The LHSAA Mission Statement is “To perpetuate tradition at Lincoln High School by honoring worthy students with academic and fine arts scholarships (financial grants); to financially support insufficient school programs; to acknowledge alumni for their exemplary contributions to the school and/or society at large as we uphold the goals, vision, and mission of our alma mater.”

LHSAA is a non-profit organization, ID # 95 6097 407, Classification 501 C3-509 9C.