House of Ruth Community Outreach Ministry 8 Year Anniversary Celebration
House of Ruth not only feeds the body but the soul, every Sunday the community is given a hot meal, clothes and groceries, during Thanksgiving over two hundred hot dinners are given out with the help of the 4×4 Him Jeep club. House of Ruth has given out hundreds of hygiene packets, supplied resources for computer and job search training, giving rides to doctor and court appointments for anyone in need.

Sherrell Thomas of The House of Ruth Community Outreach Ministry
The House of Ruth Community Outreach Ministry of Bakersfield is happy to announce their eight year anniversary celebration honoring Pastor Dionne and Lady Karnesha Johnson on August 6,2023 at 3:00pm this will take place at House of Ruth Community Outreach located at 915 Baker St. Our theme: “Leaders Changing a Community and Building the Kingdom of God through Commitment, Sacrifice and Service”.
This ministry began eight years ago in honor of our dear mother Ruth Esther Thompson who for many years served, fed, clothed and housed the less fortunate of Bakersfield. Pastor Dionne Johnson was moved by God and the despair of the community to continue his mothers legacy. House of Ruth was founded on August 2, 2015 established on Matthew 25:35-40 “When I was hungry you fed me; thirsty you gave me drink.”
House of Ruth not only feeds the body but the soul, every Sunday the community is given a hot meal, clothes and groceries, during Thanksgiving over two hundred hot dinners are given out with the help of the 4×4 Him Jeep club. House of Ruth has given out hundreds of hygiene packets, supplied resources for computer and job search training, giving rides to doctor and court appointments for anyone in need.
In 2016 they opened up the House of Ruth Transition home for women helping them to live a better life and work to get their children back, supporting them in mental health programs and drug rehab programs helping them make their entrance back into society and become better citizens.
House of Ruth worked with City Serve, Waste Hunger Not Food, sponsored Back Pack Back to School giving out back packs full of school supplies and the children were able to get shoes for school and haircuts. In the past year House of Ruth opened the DJ Corner Market allowing the community to buy items at low prices. Their commitment to the city of Bakersfield and the community will continue to make a difference.