Legal Publishing Services

fictitious business name statements

Depending on your state law, most businesses that operate under a fictitious name are required to complete a fictitious business name statement, publish the statement in our newspaper, and then record this information with the county recorder where the business is located.

Or, if you no longer wish to do business under the fictitious name you’ve filed within the past five years, you can file an Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name Statement.

trustee sales

Trustee sales are generally conducted when a homeowner is in default of his mortgage payment for more than 60 days. Announce a publicly-held auction in our newspaper where buyers can bid on real estate properties.


For the personal representative of an estate, taking the estate through probate can be a bittersweet process. The grief of losing a loved one makes the process difficult, yet settling the estate helps everyone move toward closure. Writing an estate notice for our newspaper is a simple process that the personal representative of an estate follows to notify creditors whom the deceased owed money that they must make a claim against the estate to collect that money.

abc notices

A person or business applying to open a new ABC-licensed business, change the ownership, or move an existing business to a new site must apply for the proper license at an ABC district office. As part of the process, notice must be given to the public and to local officials, which can easily be done via notice in our newspaper.

dissolution of marriage

A person or business applying to open a new ABC-licensed business, change the ownership, or move an existing business to a new site must apply for the proper license at an ABC district office. As part of the process, notice must be given to the public and to local officials, which can easily be done via notice in our newspaper.


Lien Sale Notices,  Tax Notices,  Public Notices & more!