How Bakersfield Residents Can Find Work During the Holiday Break
Anyone looking for a new job, new job training, or certification for specific job categories can go to the Bakersfield…

Anyone looking for a new job, new job training, or certification for specific job categories can go to the Bakersfield Public Library and access CAreer Pathways, a robust collection of digital platforms for online learning tools for free. The only requirement is possession of a current library card from your local library: Baker Library and Beale Memorial Library.
It is funded by the State and administered by the California State Library to help people improve job skills and prepare for high-wage jobs. The courses available enable anyone seeking work or improving their job search efforts free access to a wealth of platforms.
With unemployment and underemployed Californians disproportionately women, people of color, people under the age of 25, and people with less than a bachelor’s degree, according to the California State Library, access to premium workforce development resources is crucial. With CAreer Pathways, the people who need them the most now have access. Anyone can access CAreer Pathways in person at Bakersfield libraries or remotely access the library portal.
Included in the CAreer Pathways example, Coursera offers university-quality classes; Linkedln Learning provides online learning in professionals courses 16,000 online courses in career-relevant subjects and creative and mindfulness topics.
GetSetUp offers educational courses to students 50 years of age and older, including over 500 classes on topics from technology for beginners, to vocational and physical health, wellbeing, and hobbies such as gardening, cooking, and book clubs.
Northstar is a collection of assessment lessons for entry-level computer users. It features interactive lessons that guide the user through interacting with technology to assess their understanding of technology.
Skillshare is a platform for a creative professional with coursework in graphic design, freelancing skills, marketing, and more.
Career Pathways offers accessible educational tools that meet the needs of students and professionals. Each platform is ADA-compliant. The California State Library is making all these online tools universally available to Californians to speed up recovery from the pandemic and offer continuing help in returning those unemployed and underemployed to the workforce.
To learn more about CAreer Pathways, visit https://library.ca.gov/grants/career-pathways.