Highland High School Graduate Iamanni Jackson Earns Prestigious Bill Gates Scholarship

In a remarkable achievement, Highland High School’s Iamanni Jackson has been awarded the prestigious Bill Gates Scholarship, securing a full ride to Stanford University this fall. This scholarship is a testament to Iamanni’s outstanding academic performance and dedication. Her journey to this point has been marked by a 4.5 GPA, numerous accolades, and an unwavering commitment to her education and extracurricular activities.

Iamanni receiving her diploma this year from Highland High School (Courtesy Photo)

By Jason Land Jr. | Contributing Writer

In a remarkable achievement, Highland High School’s Iamanni Jackson has been awarded the prestigious Bill Gates Scholarship, securing a full ride to Stanford University this fall. This scholarship is a testament to Iamanni’s outstanding academic performance and dedication. Her journey to this point has been marked by a 4.5 GPA, numerous accolades, and an unwavering commitment to her education and extracurricular activities.

“I have always dreamed big. I want to make my younger self proud. When I was in second grade, I told myself I wanted to go to Stanford, graduate as Valedictorian, and get a full-ride scholarship. The desire to become who my younger self wanted me to be motivated me to maintain my high GPA,” said Iamanni Jackson.

Iamanni’s high school years were a picture of excellence and resilience. She has been an active participant in drama and orchestra, showcasing her diverse talents and earning countless awards along the way. Balancing a rigorous academic schedule with her passion for the arts, Iamanni has demonstrated remarkable time management and determination. Her achievements are even more impressive considering the socio-economic challenges she faced, which only fueled her determination to succeed.

“Don’t give up. It is always important to always keep striving for your goals especially when things are hard. Those are the moments that make everything worth it. When you get to where you’re going, you can look back and say, ‘I did that!’” Iamanni states. 

In times where others would give up, or relent easily, Iamanni would persevere, only further showing her resiliency. Whether she hadn’t eaten that day, or experienced financial disparity at home, Iamanni trusted in God that He would make a way through will.

“Learning to ask for help is the biggest challenge! I had to learn to branch out, talk to my peers, and ask questions if I wanted to succeed. It really helped me get over my fear of sounding dumb or uneducated,” Iamanni shared.

Iamanni is thrilled about the new experiences awaiting her in the next chapter of her life. She is particularly drawn to the Stanford Space Institute, where she looks forward to participating in rocket launches, exploring high-altitude balloon research, and studying the intersection of biology and space. There, she will be able to feel at home as she sets to earn a doctoral degree in Astrophysics. Additionally, the prospect of college life, from living in the dorms to dining in the campus halls, excites her as it represents a vibrant change from her current life and opens up a world of new possibilities.

Despite her hard work and dedication, Iamanni highlights that she couldn’t have persevered toward success without the aid of her family. 

“My mom, my dad, and three sisters have been role models and mentors who have inspired me throughout my journey. They keep me in check, and show me what I can be – they make me want to chase my dreams more! It’s so important to always have that cheerleading section: those people who are always there to support you, even when you’re down. When I don’t understand something or I’m tired, they’re always there to lift me up. It’s okay to take a break—you are more than capable!” Iamanni emphasized.

Iamanni’s mother, Alfreda Jackson shares her thoughts on the matter. 

Iamanni and mother Alfreda Jackson at Stanford admit (Courtesy Photo)

“We’re honored she was selected – at the same time, we were expecting her to receive it because she’s been a high achiever since kindergarten! With all of us pouring into her, it makes sense that she would be the one to receive it.”

Iamanni’s sister Sulan,  Iamanni, mother Alfreda, and dad David (Courtesy Photo)

As Iamanni prepares to embark on this new journey at Stanford University, her story serves as an inspiration to her peers and the entire community. Her success is not only a reflection of her hard work and perseverance but also a testament to the support of her family and mentors. Iamanni plans to continue her involvement in the arts while pursuing her academic goals at Stanford, and she hopes to give back to her community in the future, helping others overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. Young black girls and boys will see Iamanni’s story, and regardless of circumstance, persevere – as shown tangible by Iamanni.