Category: Benjamin Chavis

NNPA Launches ‘Missing & Black 2025’ Campaign to Spotlight Disparities in Media Coverage of Missing Black Individuals

The NNPA World News app has unveiled the Missing & Black 2025 Campaign, a nationwide initiative aimed at addressing the glaring disparities in media coverage and law enforcement response to missing Black individuals. The campaign seeks to bring long-overdue visibility, resources, and justice to the thousands of missing Black children, women, and men whose cases are frequently overlooked. “With an alarming disparity in coverage and urgency between cases involving people of color and their white counterparts, this initiative calls for collective action to change the narrative and ensure that all missing persons in America receive the responsive attention that they deserve,” said Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA).

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NAACP, Black Press of America Call for Economic Action as Corporations Retreat from Diversity Commitments

The NAACP is urging Black Americans to direct their economic power toward companies that have maintained their commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion as corporate America faces mounting conservative pressure. The civil rights organization has released a spending guide identifying businesses that have upheld or reversed their DEI promises, stressing the importance of economic leverage in fighting racial equity.

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PRESS ROOM: Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. and Stacy M. Brown’s Groundbreaking Book on the Transatlantic Slave Trade Calls for Action and Education

Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., a lifelong civil rights leader and president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), has released The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Overcoming the 500-Year Legacy, co-authored with award-winning journalist Stacy M. Brown. Published by Select Books, this powerful new work examines the enduring impact of the transatlantic slave trade and outlines a path forward for racial justice and economic empowerment.

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Dr. Tshaka Cunningham Carves a Path for African Americans in Science

Dr. Tshaka Cunningham, a pioneering molecular biologist, has made an extraordinary journey from the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, D.C. to the cutting edge of precision medicine and genomics. Returning to his roots for an interview on the PBS show “The Chavis Chronicles,” Cunningham shared insights into his career, the importance of diversity in science, and his commitment to advancing genomics for the betterment of all communities.

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New Book by Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. and Stacy M. Brown Explores 500-Year Legacy of Transatlantic Slave Trade

Select Books Inc. is thrilled to announce the forthcoming release of a groundbreaking book, The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Overcoming the 500-Year Legacy, scheduled for publication on October 8, 2024. Co-authored by National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. and NNPA Senior National Correspondent and Let It Be Known News host Stacy M. Brown, this book provides a deep dive into the enduring impact of the transatlantic slave trade from 1500 to 2024.

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NNPA President Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. Inspires Graduates with Powerful Commencemet Address at Voorhees University

In a profound address at Voorhees University’s 127th Commencement, National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) President and CEO and civil rights leader Dr. Benjamin Franklin Chavis Jr. delivered a powerful message of hope, resilience, and social responsibility to the graduating class of 2024.

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Title Insurance Helps Homeownership for Black Americans and Others  

Often misunderstood, title insurance is a product that comprehensively protects homeowners’ property rights and their lenders’ financial interest in a property. It is vastly different than other types of insurance because it is a one-time fee and title professionals do the majority of the work upfront to both examine title issues and rectify any problems found. That is why many homeowners thankfully don’t experience the challenge of a claim that threatens their homeownership – but if they do, title insurance is paramount to protecting their biggest investment. 

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Black Press Week Galvanizes Advocacy, Celebrates Legacy, and Mobilizes Voters

In a stirring celebration of 197 years of unwavering advocacy, the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) convened for Black Press Week to celebrate the March 16, 1827, founding of Freedom’s Journal. This year’s observance, which featured the NNPA’s annual Board of Directors meeting and a visit to the White House, resonated with the theme “Getting Out the Black Vote.”

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Triumph Over Adversity: Journalism Scholars Receive Prestigious PGA TOUR/NNPA Scholarship

In a celebration of resilience and determination, Victoria Gisel Montanet and Jasmine Hall, two outstanding journalism majors, were awarded the PGA TOUR/National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) $5,000 scholarship during the NNPA’s 2024 Midwinter Training Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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NNPA’s Historic Town Hall Sparks Dialogue on Strengthening Black-Jewish Relations Amid Rising Hate

The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) orchestrated a transformative Town Hall between Black and Jewish leaders at the African American Research Library and Cultural Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, creating a pivotal moment during the trade association’s 2024 Midwinter Training Conference. The NNPA is a trade association representing the more than 250 African American-owned newspapers and media companies that comprise the original Black Press of America.

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